I've been unpacking, that's where!
Warning: it's a lengthy post!
Our stuff has arrived. We went through a few phases of unpacking. The first was "GET IT ALL OUT OF THE BOXES! QUICK!" That was so the packers could take the boxes back and we wouldn't have to worry about getting rid of them. Next was "ACK! IT'S ALL SO MESSY! GET IN ALL IN A CABINET!" I did this one without Toby. So it's all in cabinets now. It took me a few minutes to get to a plate for my scrambled eggs this morning. But I found one.
This house is larger than anything I've ever lived in by myself (I know I'm not by myself, I have Toby). It's above the 2000 sq. ft. range, we believe. Or that's what I've heard at least. And there is an enormous amount of built in storage. So most everything we have is out of sight. And the furniture that made our tiny tiny tiny house so cozy before, seems spread out and lost. Also, everything we have seems to be very warm. It seems like furniture that you'd like to cuddle up in. But the climate here isn't the cuddliest climate. So I'm working on getting it all feeling a little more beachy, but without buying anything new or making too many changes. Haha. I'll let you know how that works out.
Right now I'm finishing some stuff up while Toby is in the US. Hopefully by the time he's back I will have:
Recovered the dining room table chairs
Figured out a way to block the holes in the wall of the spare bedrooms that are supposed to be filled with air conditioners
Plant some seeds to start our porch garden!
Organize the stuff in the kitchen cabinets a little better.
One last note, there are some hitches to this place that I haven't figured out yet. The walls are cement, so hanging seems like more trouble than it might be worth. We have a few sticky hanger things, and I don't think I feel like making holes in the wall, so possibly we'll have wall art, on the floor? Our house is open air, with an open window in the front and one in the back there's a pretty great stream of air. Through the smallest area (hallway) it gets super breezy! Sweeping is very challenging. I'm trying to go front to back, with the air flow, but sometimes the breeze takes the grossness places I don't want it to go. I could close the windows to sweep, but it's a big apartment! That's a long time with no breeze! The sun is very strong here, and we've been told things will fade quickly. A good solution: close the curtains. But why would I want to close out the best part of the house, the view? Maybe we'll just have a nice faded look to our clothing and furniture.
So that's all. I'll post some pictures of us lounging in our great stuff filled house. But for now, a little before/after.